Don Côqayohômuwôk Chapman
SVP of Federal Operations
Cayuse Technologies LLC
Don Côqayohômuwôk Chapman serves as SVP of Federal Operations for Cayuse Holdings owned by the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla (CTUIR) as well as Managing Director for Cayuse Technologies – CTUIR’s first 8a contracting company and Responsible Manager for Wallowa Strategies. Since joining this tribal holding company January 2019, Don is directly responsible for both winning and serving as executive leader over for $150mm in new federal classified contracts from the Dept of State, DHS CISA, DHA, and US Army. Chapman is responsible for all capture, teaming, operations, contract management, program management, P&L, hiring, and compliance.
On October 5, 2009, Don was appointed by US Department of Commerce Secretary Gary Locke as the first ever Senior Policy Advisor on Native American Affairs at the U.S. Department of Commerce where he served until October 3, 2012. At Commerce, Chapman was charged with implementing Secretary Locke’s ambitious agenda to directly improve the economic profile of Indian Country through economic development and policy implementation as well as development and implementation of the Dept of Commerce Tribal Consultation Policy across the portfolio of the Commerce agencies.
After his departure from the 1st Obama Administration, Chapman served as subject matter expert on three contracts with the ECR/Udall Foundation supporting White House OSTP National Ocean Council in strategic areas of tribal outreach, engagement, coordination, and participation in the Regional Planning Body process, Coastal Marine Spatial Planning, and the facilitation and outreach to Tribes on the National Ocean Policy and Implementation Plan. He has also served as an instructor for ECR’s “Collaboration with Tribal Nations and Tribal Consultation” courses. He also spent three years with Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation as SVP and subsidiary president.

Jo Ann Kauffman
MPH, President
Kauffman & Associates, Inc.
Jo Ann Kauffman, President and owner of Kauffman and Associates, Inc. (KAI), is an enrolled member of the Nez Perce Tribe. She was born in Seattle and grew up in Seattle’s Beacon Hill community, graduating from Cleveland High School in 1971. She also lived with grandparents on the Nez Perce Reservation in Kamiah, ID. Ms. Kauffman holds a master’s degree in public health from the University of California at Berkeley. She developed rural nurse practitioner clinics in northern Idaho, supported tribal health systems development and led urban Indian health expansion. She served as CEO for the Seattle Indian Health Board from 1982 to 1989.
After relocating to Washington, DC, Ms. Kauffman founded KAI in 1990, where she lobbied for social justice, health care, and education needs of American Indian and other vulnerable populations. She later transitioned her company to management consulting supporting health systems development, and grew the company to over 100 employees, offices in DC, Spokane, Seattle and Missoula. She has worked in the field of Indian affairs for more than 40 years, serving as a consultant to Indian tribes, private for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and numerous state and federal agencies. Ms. Kauffman was honored by Business Beat as Minority Small Business Person of the Year 2006 and as owner of the Fastest Growing Minority Business in 2004, 2007 and 2008. In 2015, the Spokane YWCA awarded her the Women of Achievement Carl Maxey Racial & Social Justice Award. She was honored with the "Free Spirit Award" by the Freedom Forum in 1998 for her longtime work as a community activist and advocate for First Amendment issues.
Ms. Kauffman serves on numerous boards, including the Governing Council for the University of Toronto’s Master in Social Work, Indigenous Trauma and Resiliency program; the International Indigenous Council (IIC), which oversees the Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Conference; and a regional CDFE called Craft3, which supports small business and community development throughout the Pacific Northwest, and the Empire Health Community Advocacy Fund a local C4 nonprofit which promotes systems change in public policy and health access. Ms. Kauffman was appointed by the governor of the state of Washington to the Board of Trustees of Eastern Washington University (EWU), where she served from 2003 to 2015. She currently leads the Advisory Committee of the new Lucy Covington Center at EWU., and in 2017 she received an honorary doctorate from EWU for her lifework in the field of Indian health.